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Pierce County NPs Sought for Online Survey Regarding Exercise and Older Adults

Posted over 7 years ago by Bob Smithing

Dear Health Care Provider,

 My name is Harry Papadopoulos and I am an Associate Professor in the Kinesiology Department at Pacific Lutheran University. My colleagues Dr. Lorena Guerrero, ARNP, Dr. Mara Nery-Hurwit, and I are recruiting health care providers (physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants) to complete an online survey.

The purposes of the study are: 1) to determine the knowledge of health care providers regarding exercise locations in Pierce County, 2) assess the perceptions of health care providers regarding knowledge and confidence to assess and counsel older adult clients about physical activity, and 3) assess the perceptions of health care providers regarding knowledge and confidence to assess and counsel older clients about fall prevention. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes and is completed entirely online. Contact information will not be linked to questionnaire responses. The link for participation is:

 Please contact me at or (253) 535-8706 if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your participation! Please pass this on to your physician, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant colleagues.

 Participation is open to any primary health care providers that practices in Pierce County in a facility where physical activity and fall prevention counseling is appropriate and applicable.


Harry Papadopoulos, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Kinesiology
Pacific Lutheran University