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Free Buprenorphine Waiver Training, May 19, Olympia WA

Posted about 7 years ago by Nancy Lawton

Dear Interested Provider:

Free buprenorphine waiver training for Southwest Washington will be held on May 19th from 1-5 PM at the Thurston County Public Health Building, 412 Lilly Rd NE, in Olympia. This announcement provides information about how to register. Over 40 people have expressed interest so far, and space is limited, so please register as soon as possible. 

 This training is structured as a “half and half” course, in which you will do 4 hours of online modules and a 4 hour in-person session in Olympia. You will be required to complete and pass the self-study online portion before attending the live event.  There are 5 modules in the online training.  If you leave in the middle of a module then you’ll return to the beginning of the module you were working on.  Therefore it’s important that when you finish a module you click “yes” to begin the next one prior to closing your browser. Here is the link:

The 8 hours will qualify physicians to apply for a waiver and begin prescribing buprenorphine right away. Please note that NPs/PAs can take the 8 hour waiver training and it will count towards the 24 hours currently required for your waiver application.  The additional 16 hours of training will be released on in early 2017. More details for NPs/PAs can be found at:

This training is sponsored by the local chapters of the Washington Academy of Family Physicians (Thurston-Mason-Lewis chapter) and Washington State Medical Association (Thurston-Mason County Medical Society), and Providence St. Peter Family Medicine. 

The course material and registration is courtesy of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, using a grant from SAMHSA (the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Funding for this course was made possible (in part) by 1U79TI026556 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

If you have questions you can contact Cindy Grande, MD ( and/or Kari Lima, MD ( Additional organizing committee members include Erin Kershisnik, MD, Sam Ritchie, MD, and Dan Stein, MD.