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NEW Medical Marijuana Authorization Tamper-resistant paper containing the RCW 69.51A.030 logo

Posted almost 6 years ago by Nancy Lawton

This announcement has 1 attachment:

 Mid-November 2017, communication efforts began to implement new medical marijuana authorization form (authorization) requirements. These requirements were rolled out in phases to assist with the transition.

  • New medical marijuana authorization form - effective January 1, 2018: All authorizations issued on or after January 1, 2018 are required to be completed on the new medical marijuana authorization form (DOH 630-123 July 2017).
  • New medical marijuana authorization tamper-resistant paper - effective July 1, 2018: All authorizations issued on or after July 1, 2018 are required to be printed on the new medical marijuana authorization tamper-resistant paper (paper) containing the new authorization logo that references RCW 69.51A.030 – see attached example.

Please note: Authorizations printed on prescription tamper-resistant paper are still valid if issued before July 1, 2018.

For additional details or form instructions, please visit the Medical marijuana authorization form website.

Where can I find authorization tamper-resistant paper?

Healthcare practitioners can order Medical Marijuana Authorization tamper-resistant paper from the same vendor they order prescription tamper-resistant paper. Under current law, tamper-resistant paper must be approved by the Pharmacy Commission. If your vendor is currently producing prescription tamper-resistant paper that has been approved by the Pharmacy Commission, and they need printing specifications for the authorization logo, please have them contact the Medical Marijuana program at or call 360-236-4819, option 1.  I want to learn more...

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