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Opioid Prescribing Guidelines - make your voice heard

Posted almost 6 years ago by Nancy Lawton

This announcement has 1 attachment:

Attached are the proposed opioid prescribing guidelines developed by the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission that evolved from the ESHB1427 task force. You have an opportunity to submit your comments to the NCQAC before implementation in the following ways:

  1. In writing prior to the July 13th Business Meeting (to be shared with commission)
  2. During Open Mic at the July 13th Business Meeting in Richland Washington
  3. Written correspondence/comments/emails sent to NCQAC after the CR-102 filing date
  4. At the Opioid Prescribing Rules Hearing to be held at the SeaTac Crowne Plaza Hotel on August 10th beginning at 9:00am