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Health Technology Clinical Committee Member Recruitment

Posted over 4 years ago by Louise Kaplan

This announcement has 1 attachment:

The Washington State Health Care Authority is recruiting a member for the Health Technology Clinical Committee.

he HTCC was established in 2006 to make coverage determinations for selected health technologies based on the available scientific evidence. The determinations of the HTCC are followed by state purchased health care programs including Medicaid, Uniform Medical Plan and the Department of Labor and Industries. The HTCC uses systematic health technology assessment reports on the strength of the evidence and considers other information including state utilization and public comment when making coverage decisions.  Moreinformation is available at,  The recruitment announcment is attached. ARNPs are encoruage to apply as the committee by law has a majority of physicians. Only one ARNP is a current member of the committee

Questions?  Contact Louise Kaplan who has served o the comittee at