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SB 5222 Same Pay for the Same Service Died in Committee

Posted about 3 years ago by Louise Kaplan

SB 5222 requiring health carriers to reimburse ARNPs the same rate as physicians for the same service died in committee today as the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee canceled its meeting.  Today, February 15, was the last day for bills to be voted out of committee to move forward with the legislative process. This is a disappointment.  We will continue our efforts to have a vote on the bill next session.

Many of our priority bills are actively being considered. Among them are HB 1141. adding ARNPs to the Death with Dignity Act; HB 1196 adding audio only telehealth reimbursement to the state's telehealth parity payment law; SB 5246 raising primary care and certain specialty care Medicaid reimbursement rates; and SB 5068 to extend Medicaid coverage from 60 days to 1 year for women in the post-partum period.

We will keep you informed about these and other pieces of legislation that are important for ARNP practice and access to care.  If you are a member, thank you for your support.  If you are not a member, join us today and support our efforts on your behalf.