Upgrading Physical Assessment Tools
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1.0 contact hourCompletion Time
1 hourAvailable Until
March 18, 2026Posted By
ARNPs United of Washington StateNavigate
Join Bob Smithing, FNP our favorite techno-nerd as he looks at some new pieces of kit for doing physical exams. Are those new stethoscopes worthwhile? Upgrade from the last century otoscope & ophthalmoscope. Find out about a unique, new vaginal speculum. Oh, and some apps.

Bob Smithing, MSN, FNP, FAANP, graduated from the University at Buffalo, SoN, in 1979 and the University of Pennsylvania, SoN, FNP Master's program in 1981. Along with his partner Maddy Wiley, they co-founded FamilyCare of Kent, a nurse-managed center in Kent, Washington. He is a family nurse practitioner with interest in women's health. For over 25 years, he has been conference faculty and is currently faculty at Pacific Lutheran University, teaching various topics to nurse practitioner students. He is a past president of the AANP, the current Executive Director of ARNPs United of Washington State, and is failing retirement.
CE Information
This activity offers 1.0 contact hour to attendees.
Accredited by Accreditation by Pacific Lutheran University Center for Continued Nursing Learning, approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation..
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1 question
Duration: about 1 hour | Quality: HD
8 questions
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